Folia Biologica (Kraków)
Submit your manuscript
Folia Biologica (Kraków) is an international online open access journal accepting original scientific articles on various aspects of zoology: evolution, ecology, genetic diversity, and experimental zoology.
Publication in Folia Biologica (Kraków) is free of charge, the language of publication is English, and all papers are subject to peer reviews.
Indexed by Journal Citation Reports (JCR), Scopus, and Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Impact Factor (2023): 0.8; 5-year IF (2023): 0.7; Journal Citation Indicator (2023): 0.17; Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education ranking (2023): 100 points. Index Copernicus Value (2023): 144.65.
Open Access. This is an Open Access journal distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC-BY) which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are properly cited Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
Folia biologica (Kraków), 73(1) (2025)
- Editorial Board
Editorial Staff
- Editor-in-ChiefElżbieta Warchałowska-Śliwa
- Assistant EditorKatarzyna Kozakiewicz
- Technical EditorEwa Żychowska
- Statistical EditorSabina Denkowska (Kraków)
Kamil Fijorek (Kraków)
- Language EditorPaweł Matus (Kraków)
Advisory Board
- Barbara Bilińska (Kraków)
- Szczepan Biliński (Chairman, Kraków)
- Alicja Boroń (Olsztyn)
- Juan Pedro Camacho (Granada)
- Józef Dulak (Kraków)
- Sergei Fokin (St. Petersburg)
- Beata Grzywacz (Kraków)
- Mariusz Jaglarz (Kraków)
- Valentina G. Kuznetsova (St. Petersburg)
- František Marec (Česke Budejovice)
- Lidia Mazur (Kraków)
- Seppo Nokkala (Turku)
- Barbara Płytycz (Kraków)
- Ewa Przyboś (Kraków)
- Elżbieta Pyza (Kraków)
- Zdzisław Smorąg (Kraków-Balice)
- Piotr Sura (Kraków)
- Jacek Szymura (Kraków)
- Haruki Tatsuta (Ryukyu)
- Instructions for authors
Instructions for authors can be found here.
- Peer review
Peer review can be found here.
- Publication Ethics
Publication Ethics can be found here.
- Address of the Editorial Office
Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals,
Polish Academy of Sciences,
Sławkowska 17, 31-016 Kraków, Poland
Tel.: (48) (12) 422 19 01 int. 41 or 48
Fax.: (48) (12) 422 42 94