On September 16, 2024, by Order of the Director No. 021.23.2024, Standards for the Protection of Minors at the Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals of the Polish Academy of Sciences were introduced.
The document is intended to provide minors, using the resources and services of ISEA PAS with a safe environment, organized with respect for their rights and dignity.
ISEA PAS provides children and young people with free access to educational and cultural offers in a safe and comfortable manner, free from threats and inappropriate behaviour, and in particular free from any form of violence and discrimination.
The Standards for the Protection of Minors at ISEA PAS define intervention procedures, preventive and educational activities, principles of preventing harm to minors, and in a situation where harm has occurred – they define the principles of reducing the extent of its effects through proper and effective assistance to the minor and indicate the responsibility of persons employed at ISEA PAS for the safety of minors using the Institute’s services.
The person responsible for monitoring the implementation of Standards for the Protection of Minors at ISEA PAS is the Representative for the Child Protection at ISEA PAS.
Aneta Garbula
pelnomocnik.maloletnich@isez.pan.krakow.pl(48 12) 422 89 37 w. 34